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Angels & Demons (NEW)


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Part mellow and part goth is what best describes "Angels and Demons"(in German "Engel und Daemonen"), Johnny Cash meets Pink Floyd. All of the musicians on the album are influenced by the Beatles and other groups of that era. Justin Johnson is a 26 year old singer-songwriter who lives in Nashville, Tennessee. He sings in English and German. Twelve of the songs on "Angels and Demons" ar in English and two are in German. Steeped in the tradition of the Beatles, Zep, Pink Floyd, the Stones, and Crosby Stills Nash and Young, Justin's baritone voice lends itself well to a wide variety of music including rock, country, and jazz. Justin has lived in Boston, Chicago, California, and Germany. As a child Justin listened to Willie Nelson, Queen, and Neil Diamond. At the age of 13 he began playing classical piano, and at the same time discovered the Beatles. Over the next several years he listened to the Beatles, the Beatles, and more Beatles. A friend from the swim team made him a tape of psychedelic music, which interested him more in music from this era. Mostly self-taught on guitar, he began listening to Hendrix, Clapton, and Frank Sinatra. After highschool Justin moved to Nashville and for two years recorded songs meant for country singers. Then he began recording for himself. The musicians on his debut album Angels and Demons'Engel und Daemonen have toured with innumerable big acts including Robert Plant, Richard Thompson, Allison Moorer, Tanya Tucker, and several Nashville groups, and have played on innumerable indie projects. Piano player and keyboardist Robert Chevrier has toured with Tanya Tucker and and played with Raul Malo. Steel and dobro player Mike Daly has toured with Hank Williams, Jr. and Allison Moorer. Clive Gregson played guitar with English rocker Richard Thompson before founding Gregson and Collister and then having a solo career. He has also toured with Robert Plant and Nanci Griffith. Clive plays guitar and accordian on the album. Brian Pepo plays bass and adds a harmonica track. Brian has released a self-produced album with Nashville studio band Careless Sherman. Guitarist and album producer Fett, violinist Tim Lorsch, and drummer Chip Abernathy fill out the roster. The album was recorded at Azalea Studios, where Davey Jones from the Monkees and Tommy Emmanuel have also recorded. Aside from music, Justin was also a competitive swimmer at a young age. He held state records and was on the fastest highschool team in the United States. He proved much more adept at water polo, however, and played for a year in Nashville before moving to Nashville. Justin spent time in Germany in Munich and Berlin, and speaks German as a second language. BIO AUF DEUTSCH : Justin Johnson ist ein 26-jähriger Sänger und Liederkomponist, der in Nashville, Tennessee, USA lebt. Er singt auf Deutsch und English. Beeinflusst von der traditionsreichen Musik der Beatles, Zep, Pink Floyd, der Stones und Crosby Stills Nash and Young, eignet sich Justins Baritonstimme hervorragend für eine Reihe musikalischer Stile wie Rock, Country und Jazz. Justin hat in Kansas, Boston und Chicago gelebt. Als Kind hörte Justin Neil Diamond, Queen und Willie Nelson. I'm Alter von dreizehn Jahren begann er klassisches Klavier zu spielen, entdeckte zur selben Zeit allerdings auch die Beatles. Über die nächsten Jahre hinweg war er völlig von den Beatles eingenommen. Ein Freund von der Schwimmmannschaft machte ihn mit der psychedelischen Musik der sechziger Jahre bekannt, was ihn noch mehr von dieser Ära begeisterte. Er fing außerdem an, sich für Jazz zu interessieren. Mit sechzehn begann Justin, Gitarre zu spielen. Überwiegend Autodidakt, durchkämmte er Beatles-Songbücher und fing an, sich Hendrix, Clapton und Frank Sinatra anzuhören. Nach dem Schulabschluss zog Justin nach Nashville, Tennessee, und machte zwei Jahre lang Studioaufnahmen, die für Country-Musiker gedacht waren. Dann begann er, für sich selbst aufzunehmen. Die Musiker, die an seinem Debutalbum 'Angels and Demons/Engel und Daemonen' arbeiteten, waren mit vielen großen Namen auf Tournee und haben


  1. Something About You
  2. Engel Trag Mich Weg
  3. Ich Geh
  4. Tupelo - Justin Johnson and Dykes Hayes
  5. Down By the River
  6. Melissa's Birthday Song
  7. Flowers on My Grave
  8. The Outlaw
  9. Caramel
  10. Red Dress
  11. That Thing 'Bout How You Love Me
  12. Straight from the Heart (All Night Remix) - Justin Johnson and Fett
  13. Angel Take Me Away (English Version of "Engel Trag Mich Weg")
  14. Bump and Grind

Product Details


UPC Number: 73849422244

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