Tradepost Entertainment Product Image Compact Disc

Uppers & Downers


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Description At first glance, the Yo-Yo's seem to be a modern-day reincarnation of Ramones-era punk rock. They've got the bad-boy look, the four-chord anthems, and the attitude. A few spins of Uppers and Downers eventually rubs some of this aura away and reveals another possible, if less likely, musical touchstone: Kiss. Its nods to current technology aside, the track "Cellphone Psychophobia" could easily be mistaken for a Paul Stanley-penned rocker circa Dressed to Kill. "Out of My Mind" also recalls Kiss, although in this case Ace Frehley--it's not "Shock Me," but the swagger and melody are undeniably in the same arena. In fact, half the songs recall an era when pyrotechnics pounded punk silly, while the other tracks beg to differ. In the world of the Yo-Yo's, it would seem that arena rock and punk can finally be seen kissing in public.--Jason Josephes Product Description Uppers and Downers is the debut full-length from these English hooligans; combining equal parts Beach Boys-esque harmonies and the punk rock vigor of The Ramones and/or The Clash.

Product Details


UPC Number: 09878705102

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** Cartridge games come with the cartridge only

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