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Microwave Massacre (2PC) (W/DVD) / (SUB)

Dvd (Blu Ray)

Price: $13.99
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Microwave Massacre stars legendary stand-up comedian and actor Jackie Vernon as Donald, a disgruntled construction worker whose wife's predilection for haute cuisine drives him to cannibalism. Donald unwittingly stumbles upon a solution to his two major problems in his life - his nagging wife and his lack of tasty meals - when, one night, he bludgeons his better half to death with a pepper grinder in a drunken rage. Thinking on his feet, Donald dismembers the body and sets about microwaving the remains, which turn out to be rather delicious. Trouble is, now he's got a taste for human flesh that needs satisfying... Eschewing all notions of good taste, Wayne Berwick's Microwave Massacre is a deliciously depraved exercise in political incorrectness that has gone on to gain a cult following thanks to a characteristically deadpan performance from lead Vernon, who delivers such choice lines as "I'm so hungry I could eat a whore". Vegetarians need not apply!

Product Details


UPC Number: 76013788029

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** Used items are gently used and some wear is to be expected. Cover art may vary.

** Cartridge games come with the cartridge only

** Images of cover art may vary, stock image shown