Welcome to Academy City, a futuristic metropolis populated with super-powered students. As the brightest intellectual minds in the city work to complete the world's first space elevator - a towering spire capable of taking citizens into the heavens - perpetually unlucky Kamijo and nun-in training Index befriend a talented street musician named Arisa. When the beautiful singer lands a big break, her miraculous voice attracts unwanted making the songstress a target for magicians and scholars alike. As the battle between sorcery and science blasts into space, Kamijo, Index, and their allies in Academy City are rocketed to a psychedelic stadium thousands of feet above Japan in a desperate attempt to keep Arisa - and the rest of the world - safe. Science fiction and and fantasy collide in this action-packed featured film set in the shared universe of a Certain Magical Index and a Certain Scientific Railgun!
UPC Number: 70440006765
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** Used items are gently used and some wear is to be expected. Cover art may vary.
** Cartridge games come with the cartridge only
** Images of cover art may vary, stock image shown