Amidst the glimmer of neon lights, technological advancement causes humans to be consumed by commercial convenience. In the shadows, a war between the Yatagarasu and the Phantom Society is brewing, Devil Summoners who harness the otherworldly powers of ?Demons?. Existing in the secret sea of humanity?s data, a digital hivemind has evolved into sentience: Aion. Observing humankind from afar, Aion calculates that a world-ending disaster is imminent and creates two agents to combat against it: Ringo and Figue. Together, these agents of Aion must investigate and prevent a butterfly effect that will lead to the end of the world.
UPC Number: 73086522045
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** Used items are gently used and some wear is to be expected. Cover art may vary.
** Cartridge games come with the cartridge only
** Images of cover art may vary, stock image shown