Splatterhouse follows college student Rick Taylor as he tries to rescue his girlfriend, Jennifer, who has disappeared after entering the mysterious and run-down West Mansion. Confronted by horrific other-worldly creatures, Rick comes across a mystical sentient mask that promises to give him the power to find Jennifer. Full of desperation and rage, Rick puts on the "Terror Mask" and is transformed into a juggernaut of pure violence and destruction. Featuring an original storyline by critically-acclaimed comic book writer Gordon Rennie (Necronauts, Judge Dredd), Splatterhouse takes Rick beyond the mansion as he scours the ends of the world to rescue his beloved Jennifer.
UPC Number: 72267411020
** Digital codes or downloadable content may or may not be present and are not guaranteed to be valid on used products.
** Used items are gently used and some wear is to be expected. Cover art may vary.
** Cartridge games come with the cartridge only
** Images of cover art may vary, stock image shown